Taking place immediately after CES, the IEEE’s International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) is host to several different companies and researchers at the industry’s forefront, which attend ICCE to share the latest designs and technological breakthroughs in consumer electronics. CalPlug was invited to ICCE, and attended to set up a working display and demonstration for the audience to experience.
Always ready to surpass expectations, CalPlug unveiled the latest version of the Wall of Power (WoP) at ICCE. The WoP was designed to maximize the consumer’s awareness of energy efficiency in electronic devices by utilizing a user friendly Android tablet application which interacts with the main physical-virtual environment. The physical-virtual environment was developed to highlight the energy usage and cost associated with using common electronic devices, while presenting this information in an easily understood manner.
Additionally, the newest WoP utilizes a new product database, allowing consumers to choose electronic devices based on factors such as price, performance and energy efficiency. The new product database gathers information about electronic devices from the Energy Star database, Amazon product database, and CNET user reviews, which allows for an accurate and diverse selection of devices to choose from. These new features all work seamlessly together in an attempt to educate more consumers about the energy efficiency of their electronic devices. Overall, the audience enjoyed CalPlug’s demonstration and agreed that the WoP is a viable approach to promote consumer awareness.
-Alan Downs, 1.18.13