Mobile Application Development and Cloud Solutions for the Internet of Things

A lecture by Ralf Brockhaus (CEO of Smilefish) on “Mobile Application Development and Cloud Solutions for the Internet of Things” on April 17, 2015 at 11:00am.
Pull the Plug

To celebrate Earth Day 2015, CalPlug is challenging all Anteaters and Friends to Pull the Plug on Vampire Power.
Energy Management – Leveraging Iot and Analytics

A lecture by Abhijit Manushree (Director of Schneider Electric) on “Energy Management – Leveraging Iot and Analytics” on March 20, 2015 at 11:00am.
TIER 2 Advance Power Strip

As the Tier 2 Advance Power Strip category gains significant market momentum, recent independent studies and field tests have demonstrated promising savings potential in both residential and commercial settings.
Simulcast Mesh Networking via Multiple Physical Transports

A lecture by Dan Cregg (Chief Technology Officer of Insteon) on “Simulcast Mesh Networking via Multiple Physical Transports” on February 20, 2015 at 11:00am.
Cloudpaging for IoT Environments

A lecture by Dr. Arthur Hitomi (Chief Technology Officer
and co-founder of Numecent) on “Cloudpaging for IoT Environments” on January 30, 2015 at 11:00am.
Calplug Workshop Series: November 2014

Plug loads are no longer isolated “miscellaneous” devices. This networked revolution started quietly in our living rooms and offices with smart consumer electronics. Among plug load devices, home entertainment electronics have offered the greatest prospects for cost effective energy savings since the beginning of the high definition entertainment era.
CalPlug Workshop Series: May 2014

Imagine a world where all STBs go to sleep at less than five watts and wake up in five seconds. CalPlug has made substantial progress on this “5W5s” roadmap with our industry project champions.
On the Road with Wall of Power

One of the more popular demonstrations in the CalPlug Center housed at Calit2 is the “Wall of Power.” The living room simulation, equipped with everyday entertainment and household devices that plug into outlets, allows “consumers” to control energy usage by powering devices on and off, while seeing their energy consumption in real-time.
Exchanging Expertise to Improve Energy Efficiency

Policy makers, manufacturers, utility representatives and academic researchers joined forces last week at Calit2 to learn from each other in an attempt to advance energy efficiency measures in the rapidly growing plug load sector of electricity use.