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8:00am Check-in and Continental Breakfast
Session One: CalPlug on Public Interest Energy Research
9:00am – 9:20am CalPlug PIER review 2011-2014
Prof. G.P. Li, Calit2 / CalPlug Director
9:20am – 10:05am Research on Computer Power-Management
CalPlug’s latest findings will be presented on use of computer power management options. The findings are based on an online survey of more than 2,000 staff, students, faculty and retirees at UCI, asking about office desktops, home desktops, and laptops. These results are supplemented with direct monitoring data for the office desktops of over 100 staff, faculty, and graduate students. Respondents’ manual efforts at power management and their automatic settings were both considered. The UCI study is one of the few to compare computer use at home with computer use at work for the same population, to compare the behavior of subgroups within a population, and to compare survey responses to direct observations.
Speakers: | Organization: |
Joy Pixley – Presentation | CalPlug |
Shahid A. Sheikh – Presentation | Intel |
10 min Break
10:15am – 11:10am Networked Energy Efficiency of Plug Loads
Arthur Zhang, Negotiation architecture and savings potential – Presentation
Plug loads are no longer isolated “miscellaneous” devices. This networked revolution started quietly in our living rooms and offices with smart consumer electronics. Among plug load devices, home entertainment electronics have offered the greatest prospects for cost effective energy savings since the beginning of the high definition entertainment era. This session addresses this category of plug loads by proposing a scalable, harmonized solution that is ready for the manufacturers and utilities to carry forward. We want to address the collective and networked nature of future home entertainment devices and provide a framework for future device design and interoperations.
Speakers: | Organization: |
Stephen P. Dulac – Presentation | DirecTV |
Fadi Kurdahi – Presentation | Energy Reporting |
Gary Langille – Presentation | EchoStar Technologies, LLC |
11:10 – 12:00 p.m. CalPlug Research, Development and Demonstration Projects
Speakers: | Projects: |
Melissa Valdez – Presentation | 1 KWh Challenge |
Sergio Gago | The Wall of Power |
Zhentao Sun | Energy Channel |
Linyi Xia, CIEE | Behavior Adaptive Smarthome System |
Minfeng Wang | SIM Labs |
Lunch Break
Session Two: Go-to-market Roadmap for Emerging Plug Load Technologies and Products
Less than one out of ten “the-next-greatest” product ideas makes it to the market. Energy efficiency solution manufacturers compete in one of the toughest markets, where the playground is segmented and consumer education extremely limited. Early adopters’ buy-in is never enough to create energy savings at the magnitude that interests policy makers and utilities. How to bridge the gap between large scale savings potential and cash tight operation of new product and solution providers? How to pick the Ferrari from the lemons of energy management systems? How to leverage existing programs within utilities to help manufacturers of emerging plug load technologies? CalPlug will be working with all stakeholders to develop a go-to-market roadmap that best assist adoption of emerging plug load technologies that can generate true savings.
1:00pm – 1:10pm Introduction of the Roadmap
Arthur Zhang or G.P. Li, CalPlug
1:15pm – 1:40pm Stage I: From Idea to Prototype
Steve Wong, Siemens
1:45pm – 2:10pm Stage II: Surveys and Simulations in a “Living Lab”
Jeff Lin, Valta – Presentation
15 min Break
2:30pm – 2:55pm Stage III: Pilot Study and Field Test
Alfredo Choperena, Smartenit – Presentation
3:00pm – 3:25pm Stage IV: Promotion and Product Scale-up
Ken Williams, WECC – Presentation
3:30pm – 4:00pm Roadmap Group Discussion
Paul Delaney, SCE
Networking Reception | CalPlug Open house